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Boris Korsantia

Professor, M.D., Ph.D., Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of 200 publications. Member of the Georgian Medical-Biological Sciences Academy. What is sinus? Scientific Research done by  Boris Korsantia.



Ochamchire Secondary School, Complete Secondary Education Certificate


Vitebsk State Medical Institute, Faculty of Therapeutics


Leningrad Institute of Experimental Medicine, Postgraduate Studies



Senior Co-worker of the Tbilisi Institute of Health and Hygiene, Head of Department of Infectious Immunology


Tbilisi State Medical University


Tbilisi Institute of Experimental Morphology


Tbilisi Institute of Medical Biotechnology. Georgian Academy of Sciences

2000-up to now

Assistant Director of the Tbilisi Institute of Medical Biotechnology



1. B. Korsantia, A. Smorodintsev. Transplacental transmission of interferon to pregnant mice // Nature, 1971, 232, pp. 560-562.

2. B.M. Korsantia, V.I.Bakhutashvili, M.G. Tojadze. Immunosupression and viral diseases // Monograph, Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 1981, p. 115.

3. B.M. Korsantia, V.I.Bakhutashvili. Perinatal viral infections and interferon // Monograph, Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 1983, p. 150.

4. D.K. Mkervalishvili, D.G. Merabishvili, L.L. Dzotsenidze, V.I. Bakhutashvili, S.A. Kipradze, B.M. Korsantia. A comparative study of the antiproliferative action of placental interferons // Voprosy Virusologii, 1985, 5, pp. 586-589.

5. V.I. Bakhutashvili, D.G. Merabishvili, R.V. Goguitashvili, B.M. Korsantia, L.L. Dzotsenidze, et al. A study of the physical and chemical properties of human placental amniotic interferon // Idem, 6, pp. 693-697.

6. L.Sh. Zardalishvili, B.M. Korsantia, T.G. Chanishvili. The effect of zeolitic diet on A1-type influenza infection in white mice // Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian Soviet Republic (Biology series), 1985, 3, pp. 203-207.

7. L.Sh. Zardalishvili, V.I. Bakhutashvili, B.M. Korsantia. The effect of zeolitic diet on AO/PR8-type influenza infection in white mice // Sabchota meditsina, 1985, I, pp. 56-61.

8. V.I. Bakhutashvili, L.L. Dzotsenidze, B.M. Korsantia et al. Infection process modeling in cell and organ cultures// Monograph, Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 1985, p. 79.

9. P.Ya. Kintraia, A.G. Pirtsjelani, D.I. Kristesashvili, B.M. Korsantia. The influence of endogenous interferon on embryonal development and chromosomes in an experimental case of influenza infection // Voprosy ob okhrane materinstva y detstva, 1985, 11, pp. 71-75.

10. M.G. Enukidze, B.M. Korsantia. The influence of interferon on the toxic action of Influenza virus // Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian Soviet Republic (Biology series), 1986, 12, I, pp.62-67.

11. L.L. Velidzhanashvili, T.I. Nizharadze, B.M. Korsantia. Interferon reaction of leukocytes and phagocytosis rates in cases of influenza and pneumonia in young children // Soobschenia of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian Soviet Republic, 124, 2, pp. 429-433.

12. N.R. Badrishvili, I.V. Kvachadze, N.I. Kapranov, B.M. Korsantia. The interferon system in children with mucoviscidosis// Voprosy ob okhrane materinstva y detstva, 1987, 32, 2, pp. 25-28.

13. Z.A. Eristavi, P.Ya. Kintraia, B.M. Korsantia. The interferon system in cases of obstetric sepsis // Akusherstvo y ginecologia, 1987, 6, pp. 56-61.

14. B.M. Korsantia, R.V. Bokuchava. Immunomodulating properties of interferon under physical stress conditions // Sabchota meditsina, 1988, I, pp.56-60.

15. B.M. Korsantia, M.M. Gvasalia, R.B. Kurashvili. The Immunology of diabetes mellitus and Biostator// Monograph, Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 1988, p. 146.

16. N.N. Kipshidze, B.M. Korsantia, V.B. Chumburidze. The interferon system in patients with cardiomyopathies// Ter. arkhiv, 1988, 5, pp. 45-51.

17. B.M. Korsantia, D.K. Mkervalishvili et al. A study on some properties of chorionic Plaferon // Collection of papers on ìPlaferonî, Tbilisi, ed. Metsniereba, 1995, pp. 8-10.

18. B.M. Korsantia, L.Sh. Zardalishvili, N.K. Sanikidze, A.G. Gachechiladze et al. A study on the immunotropic activity of† Plaferon and natural zeolites // Idem, pp. 22-25.

19. L.L. Velidzhanashvili, B.M. Korsantia. Plaferon in combined therapies for cases of influenza and pneumonia in young children // Idem, pp. 75-78.

20. N.M. Okudzhava, V.I. Bakhutashvili, B.M. Korsantia. The influence of interferon on the development of tuberculous infection in cell cultures // Idem, pp.127-132.

21. B. Korsantia, M. Kartozia, K. Chitiashvili, N. Lomidze, G. Davitaia. Postoperative immune correction in patients with acute appendicitis using LB Plaferon in sublingual form // in Georgian, 1999, N? 1-2, pp. 74-76.

22. K. Chichua, V. Mamaladze, I. Khuzhadze, B. Korsantia. The influence of Plaferon on local and general immunity indices in patients with periapical periodontitis // Idem, pp. 133-134.

23. I. Khuzhadze, B. Korsantia, K. Chichua, V. Mamaladze, N. Gogojia. Immunocorrecting properties of Plaferon in the treatment of generalized chronic periodontitis // Idem, pp. 153-155.

24. R.S. Baratashvili, V.P. Saakadze, B.M. Korsantia. Immune homeostasis state in cases of manganese-induced occupational dermatosis// Georgian Med. News, 1999, N?1, pp. 23-26.

25. N.G. Tabukashvili, B.M. Korsantia, N.P. Kintraia. Immunological aspects of Chlamydia infection in women with a history of obstetric complications // Idem, pp. 368-373.

26. B.M. Korsantia, K.M. Chitiashvili, M.B. Kartozia, N.B. Korsantia et al. Immunomodulatory action of LB Plaferon in sublingual form// Eksperimentalnaia y klinicheskaia meditsina, 2000, 1, 3, pp. 9-11.

27. Z. Vadachkornia, B. Korsantia. Prophylaxis of cellular and humoral immune depression in children with congenital cleft palate // Idem, pp. 289-292.

28. K. Chichua, V. Mamaladze, B. Korsantia. Correlation between immunological indices and post-obturation clinical status in patients with various forms of apical periodontitis // Georgian Med. News, 2000, 9(30), pp. 24-26.

29. K. Chichua, V. Mamaladze, B. Korsantia. The influence of Plaferon on local and general immunity indices in patients with various forms of apical periodontitis// Papers from the 2nd International Conference of Medical Researchers from the Black Sea Countries (BSEC): ìCurrent issues in Clinical and Theoretical Medicine and Biologyî, Trabzon, 2000, pp. 17-18.

30. D.Sh. Sigua, Z.G. Tsagareli, B.M. Korsantia. Destructive changes in the placenta of influenza patients // Idem, pp. 98-99.

31. R. Meshveliani, B. Korsantia, D. Delistraty. Immune status of white mice during aflatoxicosis and immunocorrection // Papers from the 3rd International Conference of Medical Researchers from the Black Sea Countries (BSEC): ìCurrent issues in Clinical and Theoretical Medicine and Biology, Kutaisi, 2001, pp. 86-87.

32. P.I. Machavariani, M.Sh. Nemsadze, B.M. Korsantia. A study on the immune status of women after childbirth in post-term pregnancies // Idem, pp. 142-144.

33. N. Tsjakaia, B. Korsantia, N. Okudzhava. Immunological aspects of primary tuberculosis in children and some issues related to immunocorrection // Idem, pp. 239-241.

34. M. Kartozia, B. Korsantia, G. Davitaia, T. Koridze. Study of phenotypes of appendix lymphoid cells // Annals of Biomedical Research and Education, 2001, V.1, ed. 3, pp. 176-177.

35. N. Tabukashvili, B. Korsantia. Experimental Chlamydial infection in tissue cultures // Idem, pp. 178-179.

36. M.B. Kartozia, T.Sh. Koridze, B.M. Korsantia, G.Sh. Davitaia. Immunocorrecting effect of Plaferon in experimental peritonitis // Georgian Medical News, 2001, I, pp. 15-16.

37. N. Korsantia, V. Mamaladze, M. Korsantia, V. Bakhutashvili. Clinical and immunological aspects of the treatment of chronic periodontitis with soluble Plaferon-containing medicinal films // Annals of Biomedical Research and Education, 2001, volume 1, issue 3, 174-175.

38. R. Meshveliani, B. Korsantia, D. Delistraty. Embryotoxic and mutagenic effects of aflatoxin in white mice and protective role of plaferon // Papers from the 4th International Conference of Medical Researchers from the Black Sea Countries (BSEC): ìCurrent issues in Clinical and Theoretical Medicine and Biology, Kutaisi, 2002, pp. 109-112.

39. R.M. Khachapuridze, B.M. Korsantia, A.Z. Telia. Assessing the immune status and the results of Plaferon therapy in patients with virus-induced obstructive bronchitis // Georgian Medical News, 2002, N?6 (87), pp. 87-90.

40. R.M. Khachapuridze, B.M. Korsantia. Immunotropic, Embryotoxic and Mutagenic Effects of Influenza Virus in Guinea Pigs and Protective Role of Plaferon // Annals of Biomedical Research and Education, 2002, V.2, ed. 3, pp. 231-234.

41. G.G. Parulava, A.R. Chilaia, B.M. Korsantia, I.D. Chjikvishvili. The immunotropy of Fenovin, a bioactive food complement (experimental study)// Eksperimentalnaia y klinicheskaia meditsina, 2002, 1-2, pp. 28-31.

42. R.M. Khachapuridze, B.M. Korsantia. An evaluation of the immune system of Guinea pigs in experimental cases of Influenza infection and Plaferon therapy //Idem, pp. 38-40.

43. A.R. Chilaia, I.Sh. Khudzhadze, B.M. Korsantia, G.G. Parulava. A study of the local immunomodulating activity of Fenovin in volunteers// Idem, pp. 40-42.

44. I.E. Enukidze, M.V. Johnson, B.M. Korsantia. A study on the immunomodulating effects of Plaferon and Fenovin in white mice in experimental cases of Influenza infection// Idem, 2002, 3-4, pp. 18-21.

45. I.E. Enukidze, N.R. Gvetadze, B.M. Korsantia. A comparative study of the sensitivity of various diagnostic test systems in cases of urogenital chlamydiosis // Papers from the 5th International Conference of Medical Researchers from the Black Sea Countries (BSEC): ìCurrent issues in Clinical and Theoretical Medicine and Biology, Kutaisi, 2003, pp.101-104.

46. G.O. Gabrichidze, B.M. Korsantia, T.M. Sanikidze. Changes in some blood immunological indices during normal and phatological pregnancy //Georgian Med. News, 2003, 2-6, pp. 70-73.

47. M.V. Johnson, B.M. Korsantia, A.G. Gachechiladze. Clinical and immunotropic effects of Plaferon and Fenovin in cases of Influenza infection in children // Idem, 2003, 9, pp. 82-83.

48. R. Meshveliani, N. Korsantia, D., Delistarty, B. Korsantia. Immunotropic, embryotoxic and mutagenic effects of Aflatoxin in white mice and protective action of Plaferon // Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. series, 2003.

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