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Valentin Sinianchenko

Doctor in Medicine (2000), Head of the Academic Area of the Department of childrenís otolaryngology, Shupik Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education (2002), Professor of the Department of childrenís otolaryngology, Shupik Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education (2003). He graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute in 1984. In 2000: doctoral thesis ´Combined therapy in children with acute constrictive laryngotracheobronchitisª at the Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology.

Member of the Kiev and Regional Association of Otolaryngologists and Member of the Ukranian Association of Otolaryngologists.


1. V.V. Siniachenko, V. . Berezhnoi , G.V. Beketova , et alt. An analysis of the activity of the department specializing in the treatment of acute stenosing laryngotracheitis // In the book: Current problems in pediatrics. Special edition to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Department of childrenís diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics, University of Zaporozhie/Zaporozhie, 1995, pp. 153-154.


2. V.V. Siniachenko, . . Laiko, G.V. Beketova , et alt. Experience with the treatment of children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // 8th Congress of Ukranian otolaryngologists/ Kiev, 5-10 June 1995/ summary, p.135.


3. V.V. Siniachenko. Experience with the treatment of children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // In the book: "Sbornik nauchnikh trudov sotrudnikov KMAPO y zakonchennym perekhodnim NIR za 1990-1996 goda"/ Kiev, 1997.-pp.583-584.


4. Laiko, V.V. Siniachenko, I.V. Azarov, et alt. Drug administration through interstitial phonophoresis in combined therapies for children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // Material from† the Ukranian Conference of childrenís anesthesiologists ´Current problems of anesthesia and intensive care in pediatric patientsª:30.09-01.10.1998.-Kiev.- 1998.pp.122-124.


5. V.V. Siniachenko. Drug administration through interstitial phonophoresis in combined therapies for children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // In the book: "Sbornik nauchnikh trudov sotrudnikov KMAPO im. P.L.Shupika v dvukh kingakh". Ed.7. Vol.2./ Kiev, 1998.-pp.551-555.


6. V.V. Siniachenko. The effect of local hormonal therapy on the immunity indices of patients with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 3, anexo.-pp.623-626.


7. V.V. Siniachenko, . . Laiko, .L. Kosakovsky, et alt. Combined therapy for children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 3, annex.-pp.626-629.


8. V.V. Siniachenko. ECHO tests in children with laryngeal diseases //


"Current problems of obstetrics, gynecology, clinical immunology and medical genetics.- Ed. 3.-Kiev-Lugansk, 1999.-pp.400-403.


9. V.V. Siniachenko. Characteristics of some immunological indices in patients with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // In the book: "Sbornik nauchnikh trudov sotrudnikov KMAPO im. P.L.Shupika v dvukhkingakh". Ed.8. Vol. 1./ Kiev, 1999.-pp.576-582.


10. Laiko, V.V. Siniachenko, L.P. Chirkova, et alt. Combined therapy for patients with decompensated acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 3.-pp.68-70.


11. Laiko, .F. Melnikov, V.V. Siniachenko. Experimental† foundations of the local administration of ultrasounds and corticosteroids in the treatment of acute laryngeal stenosis. Communication 1. Measuring cortisol levels in the larynx and trachea of laboratory animals using different administration forms // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 5, anexo.-pp.35-39.


12. Laiko, Kosakovsky, Melnikov, V.V. Siniachenko. Experimental foundations of the administration of corticosteroids through interstitial phonophoresis in the treatment of acute laryngeal stenosis // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 5, annex 2.-pp.55-58.


13. V.V. Siniachenko. Experimental foundations of the local administration of ultrasounds and corticosteroids in the treatment of acute laryngeal stenosis. Communication 2. Measuring cortisol levels in the larynx and trachea of laboratory animals using different administration forms // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa.- 1999.- 6.-pp.42-44.


14. V.V. Siniachenko, Kosakovsky, Laiko, et alt. Ultrasound scanning of children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis // "Sbornik nauchnikh trudov sotrudnikov KMAPO im. P.L.Shupika v dvukh kingakh". Ed.9, Vol. 2/ Kiev, 2000.-pp.673-676.


15. Combined therapy for children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis: Doctoral thesis: 14.01.19 / V.V. Siniachenko/ Kiev. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology. ó ., 2000. ó p.18. ó in Ukranian.


16. L.I.Chernysheva, V.V. Siniachenko, Naumenko. Mucosal immunity and its correction in upper airway infections // Perinatology and pediatrics.-2001.- 3.- p.72 -74.


17. .L. Kosakovsky, Laiko., V.V. Siniachenko, et alt. Experience with the treatment of children with neurosensory hypoacusis // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa. ñ 2002. - 3-C., pp.46-47.


18. Laiko, Kosakovsky, L.P. Chirkova, V.V. Siniachenko, et alt. Creation and development of the Department of childrenís otolaryngology at the Shupik Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa. ñ 2002. - 3-pp.12-13.


19. Kosakovsky, Laiko, Trinus, V.V. Siniachenko, et alt. Neurootology postgraduate course organized by the Department of childrenís otolaryngology // Zhurnal boleznei ukha, gorla y nosa. ñ 2002. - 5-C., pp.102-103.



1. . . Laiko., D.I. Zabolotny, V.V. Siniachenko. Extent and methods for examining the objective state of children with ENT diseases; Text book// Tsentralni metodicheski kabinet vyschego meditsinskogo obrazovania.-K. logos, 2000.- p.138


2. Peculiarities of the clinical anatomy and physiology of ENT organs in children / Laiko, D.I. Zabolotny, .L. Kosakovsky, Mostovaia, V.V. Siniachenko / Kiev. Shupik Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education. ó .: Logos, 2002. ó pp. 114. ó in Ukranian.

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